Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cherishing Your Children

“Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children! Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you; you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep.” Psalm 127:3-5 (The Message)

More than once in the Bible God reminds us that children are a blessing. Do you really believe it and treat them like that?

Now that we have what many people consider a "large" family (3 and a little guy on the way) I can not believe some of the comments we get. The worst being, "I feel sorry for you." Why would you feel sorry for me?? My children are the greatest blessings I have! Today's society sadly views children as a burden, something to be avoided at all cost, to not have too many of, expensive, etc. instead of the perfect blessings they are. I heard a quote, "Children are not expensive, lifestyles are." This is very true.

We also receive sweet comments from other people. One night we were eating at Wendy's and we had 4 different people come up and make the sweetest comments about our family. One lady even hugged me! It was very refreshing.

Many people are mistaken that a blessing is something that is just given to you with no responsibility. It’s actually the contrary. All of God’s blessings or gifts that he provides come with responsibility.

If God gives you the gift of singing it doesn’t mean that you don’t have to work at training your voice.

If God gives you the gift of leadership it doesn’t mean that you’ll just be put into a leadership position with no work.

The majority of people would happily accept a $1,000,000 if given to them, but that doesn’t mean they have no responsibility with that gift or don’t have work to maintain that money.

Children are the ultimate blessing God gives us. Even though it’s hard work and sometimes a little frustrating, it is important to constantly remember that our little ones are blessings from God (even those that are unplanned by us, but not my God).

I’m VERY thankful God chose me to be the mother of my sons and daughter. I pray that God will help me guide them to Christ, will give me patience and will daily remind me to enjoy our special gifts.

So, when you feel yourself getting really frustrated or stressed with the responsibility of your child/children remember that they are a blessing that God have given YOU! They are “God’s best gift.”

Cherish your blessing(s) daily and daily thank God for your blessings. Ask God for wisdom, strength, patience and guidance on how to nurture and raise those blessings for His glory.

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