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Titus 1 Month Old |
The Birth Story
I believe Titus' birth story starts back to when I was 38
weeks pregnant. Titus dropped and I started having signs that labor was near.
Ben, Micki and Olivia came to stay in town until Titus was born. They didn't
want to miss anything, and I didn't want them to miss anything either. I had a
lot of anxiety about my labor going too fast for them to make it. We went to my
38 week appointment and I was dilated to a 4 and 50% thinned/effaced. We were
so excited and hopeful he would be here soon. However, Titus had other plans.
Mr. Titus decided he was warm and comfy in there. He was definitely not on the same time frame we
Mr. Titus decided he was warm and comfy in there. He was definitely not on the same time frame we
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38 Weeks |
Our doctor did not want me to go past 41 weeks, so we agreed
to an induction after the 40 week mark. Ben and Micki were so great at giving
me the freedom to make this decision. Although we were all very ready, I never
felt any pressure from them to induce just for convenience. This meant so much
to me! They only wanted me to do what I was fully comfortable with doing.
I never thought we would make it do the induction date, but
we did! Getting ready to head to the hospital to be induced was a very surreal
feeling. I felt at peace with being induced and Michael kept giving me the
confidence that I can do this, again. Even though this was my 4th time to give
birth I was nervous about having to go through labor again. I know that it
takes all the strength I have and then some, and I wasn't necessarily looking
forward to that.
The doctor broke my water around 8 in the morning on June
9th. After being on the monitors for a little while I got up to start walking
the halls. We walked, walked and walked some more with no contractions. At 11
we agreed to start a small dose of pitocin. I started having noticeable, timed
contractions around noon. I tried sitting on a birthing ball for a while but I
didn't like it. We walked the halls again and the contractions kept coming. We
weren't timing them, but I could tell by the intensity that things were
progressing well.
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Walking the halls |
Walking was getting to be too much so we went back to our
room and I sat on the birthing ball again. After a couple of very strong
contractions on the ball the nurse asked if I wanted to be checked. I agreed
and got in bed around 3. I was at an 8! I was shocked and knew that if I was
already at an 8 that labor would be very soon. Our nurse didn't quite believe
us because she said the last phase is usually around a hour and they won't call
the doctor until I'm at a 10. I don't think I said anything, but I remember
thinking if he's not called until I'm at a 10 then he's going to miss it!
This is where the whole process becomes very blurry in my
mind. I'm really not sure what I said, sounded like or did those last 30 minutes.
The second contraction I felt after being told I was an 8, I started having the
urge to push. I told the nurse and she checked me again. I went from an 8 to a
9 1/2 in 10 minutes! She finally decided it was time to call the doctor.
Sometime in the next 20 minutes precious little (or not so
little) Titus was born at 3:35 pm and was 9lbs 3oz. The end is very blurry in
my mind, but I remember saying to myself over and over and over again,
"Lord, give me strength." Each labor I have had a different focus to
get me through the hard part, but I completely believe the Lord did give me
strength to get through labor and delivery. I remember getting to a point where
I was done and was determined that the next contraction he would be born...and
he was!
I'm so thankful for an amazing labor and delivery. It was my
shortest labor and the pain was very manageable in my mind. I'm thankful to
have given birth at a hospital that respected our wishes and for a very
encouraging nurse that allowed me to walk the halls ev
en after my water was
broke and I had Pitocin. I'm also very thankful for another vaginal birth!
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1st time holding Titus |
The moments after the birth I will treasure forever! Seeing
the love and adoration in Ben and Micki's face of their son was priceless. THIS
is the moment we have all been waiting for and the reason I decided to become a
surrogate. Knowing I played a part in another perfect blessing from God
entering the world gave me an overwhelming sense of achievement. The love only
parents can have for their children was instant for them, and I'm so grateful I
got to experience that! Titus has been such a good baby from the beginning. It's like he knew instantly who his mommy and daddy are!
These are two questions I have been asked over and over
Will you be a
surrogate again? I didn't know how to answer this questions before birth,
and I still don't know how to answer it. I have healed extremely well
physically from birth, and I am doing amazing emotionally. I would do this
again for Ben and Micki in a second, but I'm not sure if we will ever go
through the agency and meet another family to do it again.
Yes, I was paid for being a surrogate. This was definitely a
blessing to our family to get some student loans paid off. However, there is so
much more involved than a financial gain. Money comes and goes but the love and
relationships gained last a lifetime. Doing this process again would mean
opening my heart at a very deep level again for another family. This is not
something I did or could do just for the paycheck. I would have to feel a
strong feeling to open myself up to another family before I would pursue this
again. When I pursued it the 1st time I had a feeling in my heart that just
wouldn't go away. I would need to have that same feeling again, and I can't
know if that will happen again or not.
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Excited to get labor going! |
How did you handle "giving up" Titus? Confession time. I
know anyone that has asked me this question means well, but I really can't
stand when I am asked this. It rubs me the wrong way because I never "gave
up" anything. Titus never has been, never was and never will be mine to
give up.
I never once felt like I was leaving
a part of me behind, which I am so grateful for. Throughout the whole pregnancy
and since birth I have never once felt like Titus was my child or that I
"gave up" something. The possible attachment I would feel was
originally a fear of mine going into this process, but it has never been an
issue. I have missed being pregnant at times (especially in the 1st two weeks),
but I never felt or feel like Titus is a part of me. He is 100% Ben and and
Micki's. I love him, but it is not the same type of love you have for your own
children. The only way I have been able to describe it is that I love Titus as
if he were my nephew.
Ben and Micki have been so great
througout the whole process. I've always felt loved and cared for by them.
Micki has told me several times she is there for me as we make this transition.
I have been able to open up with whatever my emotions are with Michael and
Micki, which has meant so much! Micki will send me pictures when I'm missing
T-man, and they have lovingly welcomed me into their home twice since he has
been born. I completely believe all the support has helped this transition go
amazingly well.
The hardest part for me emotionally in this process was when
we left the hospital. It was the first moment of true separation from Titus
after having the privilege to care for him for nine months. It was a very
bitter sweet time for me. I felt an overwhelming sense of joy for Ben and
Micki, fear of the unknown and separation, a sense of pride for what I was a
part of and did, sadness that my part in the process was over and so much love
in my heart for this new life God had created. I couldn't process it all so the
tears just came as I held Titus one more time and said our goodbyes to Ben and
Micki. There really weren't words for any of us to say in that moment to
justify the process and what we had all just experienced....
a miracle!